Team Members
Comenius University Bratislava
Mirjana Huic
Mirjana Huic (MD, MSc, PhD) is a medical doctor and specialist in clinical pharmacology and toxicology. Since 2009 she is working as HTA specialist and educator at national and international level, first as the Assistant Director for Development, Research and HTA in Croatian Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare and in 2019 as a Head of HTA Department at Croatian Ministry of Health. Since 2010 she actively participated in different EUnetHTA JAs scientific work and production of European joint HTA reports on the whole range of health technologies, some with appropriate patient involvement.
From January 2020 Mirjana Huic ist working as HTA independent specialist in HTA/EBM Center, conducting HTAs at international level. In 2020 she is appointed by the European Commission as expert in Screening Panel in the field of certain high-risk medical devices. From 2021 Dr Huic is acting as expert in the COVID-19 therapeutics sub-group of the European expert group on SARS-CoV-2 variants. From April 2020-November 2022 she was participated as external expert in the production of HSS/Horizon Scanning Living Document for Covid-19 interventions of Austrian Institute for HTA (AIHTA). On behalf of AIHTA, she participated in production of EUnetHTA Rolling and Rapid Collaborative Reviews for COVID-19 therapeutic treatments.
Tomas Tesar
Dr Tomas Tesar is Head of the Department of Organisation and Management in Pharmacy at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of Comenius University where he is an associate professor. He has extensive experience in Health Technology Assessment and is a member of the Reimbursement Committee for Drugs at the Slovak Ministry of Health for several years, acting on behalf of Union Health Insurance Fund. Dr Tesar also brings his European experience; he was a member of the Executive Board of the EUnetHTA JA3 project and is now a member of the group of experts dealing with Pharmaceutical preparations of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines in Strasbourg, France.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments! We will get back to you as soon as possible.
For research-related questions:
Carin Uyl-de Groot
Project Coordinator
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Phone: +31 10 4081583
For general project questions:
Marcel Langone Marques
Project Manager
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Phone: +31 10 4081583
For communications:
Lena Jessen
Project Manager
Phone: +49 40 226211490